Think Before You Act… Extraction or Endodontic Treatment

If a serious dentine infection rolls up people either turn for endodontic treatment or extraction of tooth. If you too are a victim of severe tooth aches, and are pondering over the two this shall help you before you give a thought on settling from either.

Tooth extraction parallel to tooth slaughter

Tooth extraction often sound uncomplicated. But one must not forget its snag that may incur in the coming prospect.

  1. A side tooth may budge and become loose giving rise to other dental problems
  2. The complexity in nibbling and chewing increase with jagged tooth and bad bites.
  3. Other core troubles can be headaches, ear pain, dizziness etc. Thus to address the above problems, dentist suggest dental implants, bridge, or removable partial denture. However, replacing the extracted tooth with an artificial one is much expensive than root canal.

No equivalent for natural tooth…

There are circumstances where it is advisable to remove your tooth. However, just if a tooth is problematic, wisdom doesn’t lie in extracting it. Rather it’s better to save the natural one by cure. Artificial tooth won’t offer you the same comfort as your natural one. You get restricted to your diet by choosing foods that are soft to chew and so on. This affects your overall health.

Heal your tooth with root canals…

Root Canal could have been better than Tooth Extraction says “Hudda”…
A severe molar infection was troubling Hudda from Parel…. He chose tooth extraction against root canal treatment. After a painful process, then another few days of painful infection, the large molar was gone… Now Hudda had great difficulties eat raw foods and to live on pulp and juices for a long time…

Dental professionals highly advise going for root canal rather than tooth extraction. Root canal treatment is needed when the tooth pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to decay or injury.

“Most patients who have had a root canal performed by an endodontist describe the procedure as virtually painless. Eighty-five percent of patients who have had a root canal performed by an endodontist would return to an endodontist for future work. In a recent AAE survey, 76 percent of participants said they would prefer a root canal to tooth extraction.” Source:
Countless people have misconceptions and myths about root canal treatment that it’s a very painful procedure and gives rise to chronic problems. Rather with the advancement in technology and improved medicines root canals are a splendid healing aid for pain and infections. It stops the damage to underlying tissues and helps to cure the infected tooth. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.
In the contemplation over either a root canal or tooth extraction; the victor seems clear.



Now read this

What Determines the Longevity of Teeth after Root Canal?

Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is carried out on damaged tooth to save it from further damage and microbial invasion. It thus helps to increase the life of the tooth. Here are several factors that contribute to the... Continue →